Before attempting to start doing your design you will need to consider the location of your window you want to use, the dimensions of the window you use to add snow art and the visibility from your window.
On my case I chose to do a wreath design for my window snow display of this year, the dimensions for my design are 24″ x 24″.
I use a cutting machine called cameo, on the silhouette cameo software you can trace images and the machine will cut them in card stock paper as you can see in order for me to achieve my design size I had to scale the design and cut it into four sheets.
If you don’t owe a cutting machine you could trace your design in cardboard and cut it using an utility knife.
After cutting the four sheets and put them together I then measure the window and centered my template using masking tape will make this process more easy.
When you add the snow spray press on the areas (marked in red) of your template that tend fold up to make sure the template makes contact with the glass and snow doesn’t get under it. The weak areas will vary per your chosen design.
After you apply the spray snow you will notice liquid coming from the snow, this liquid is a result of the reaction of the spray snow. You will have to come back and clean the edges, I used napkins and q-tips for my sample.
And here is the final resust for this years Christmas window snow art! Every year I do a different design for this window, I have been doing this for about 4 years now. Let me know if you found this post helpful and also what design would you be doing!
How to make artificial snow at home?
Snow from baking soda and shaving foam
This is one of the most popular recipes for making snow on the Internet, tried by many in practice, and easy to make at home. Take a bowl to knead the snow mass, and there squeeze the contents of the can of shaving foam. For such an amount of foam you need about 1-1,5 packs of baking soda. Start pouring the baking soda gradually into the container, stirring the mass until the desired snow consistency.
Snow made with baking soda and foam is snowy white in color and naturally friable to the touch. To make it sparkle, you can add mica or glitter to the mass.
Styrofoam and foamed polyethylene
To make artificial snow from these materials, you do not need to run to the construction store. It is enough to review the contents of the old boxes from household appliances and electronics, because the foam and polyethylene are used to protect goods in transit. So, you managed to get the snowy raw material, now the foam must simply be grated on a fine grater or beaten in the bowl of a blender. Snow from polyethylene foam turns out very light and weightless.
Snow made of salt
Such snow can be decorated with natural tree branches. The finished handicraft looks very spectacular, because the sparkling salt crystals cover the entire branch, as if frosting.
To create the effect of snow on the tree, you need to prepare a solution of water and salt. A large pan with a small amount of water in it must be heated and salt must be dissolved. Salt is added until it ceases to dissolve in water. Prepared branches of a spruce or any other tree should be dipped for a short time in the salt solution. Then the branches should be placed in a vase for drying, which takes 4-5 hours. The resulting product in a white salt frosting can be used to decorate Christmas bouquets and other festive installations at home.
Soap snow
If you need to make artificial snow for children’s crafts, for example, you want to make a snowman with your baby, use bar soap. Find the whitest soap and put it in the freezer for a few hours. After that, take out the bar and grate it on a fine grater. The resulting snowy mass will be very light, but still sticky enough to create themed figures. For more realism in the artificial soap snow you can add peppermint essential oil, which will cool your hands when working with the material.
Polymer clay snow
If you are fond of modeling with polymer clay, then you know that from its dried-out remnants you can make excellent snow for decorating Christmas toys or cards. White or blue clay should be crushed by hand, and then grind in a coffee grinder or blender bowl into fine snowy crumbs.
Snow from diaper filler
Not the cheapest, but one of the easiest ways to make realistic artificial snow is to use sodium polyacrylate, a filler for diapers.
To get the filler you need to cut a diaper lengthwise and shake out a white powder in a deep container. The amount of powder depends on your snow needs, but it is important to note that the polyacrylate increases several times as a result.
For the reaction of swelling granules, start gradually pouring water into the container, stirring the contents to the desired elastic and crumbly consistency. The resulting snow will be cool and pleasant to the touch.