Raising butterflies guide

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Boost released butterfly numbers / Water tubes

The use of butterfly tubes was essential for me in order to increase the number of butterflies released from my cage. I used the tubes to place milkweed cuttings which included eggs laid on them, I then put water in the tubes, placed the cap and inserted the cuttings. These cuttings were taken other milkweed plants outside the butterfly cage.

The tubes will help to keep the cutting fresh until the caterpillars emerge from their eggs and start on eating the cuttings. You need to make sure the cuttings are always in contact with the water in the tubes, from my experience I used to refill the tubes with water every 3-4 days. Here is the link where you can buy these water tubes.

Using the cage in combination with the water tubes allowed me to sometimes release multiple butterflies a day. I also added a link to the growing bags in case you might want to grow several host plant at the time, these bags are great since they allow some air to enter the root ball of the plant and promote aeration to plants.


Recap steps / formula

Here are the summarized steps needed to grow butterflies on this post:

  1. Collect – Find butterfly eggs from a host plant, you will be making cuttings from where eggs are laid on. Cuttings need to be long enough to be inserted inside the water tubes. Ideally you will want the lower end of the cutting to touch the bottom of the tubing, this is in order to ensure the cutting will absorb as much water as possible during the time the caterpillar grows out of the egg to start eating from the cuttings.
  2. Protect – One step that worked for me was to place an small potted milkweed plant inside the cage (if plant is too big you could trim the larger branches to fit it in), this plant will be used for the caterpillars to eat while growing. Having multiple outside plotted plants will ensure food and plants to be available trough the season, this is one of the reason why you will want to plant from seed.
  3. Water – Check on the plant inside the cage and the water tubes containing the cutting, water as needed in order to keep fresh food available for the growing caterpillars.
  4. Feed the caterpillars – As caterpillars grow by the day you will need to make sure to provide them with enough food by switching new plotted milkweed plants or adding additional cuttings.
  5. Release – Fun time! enjoy releasing the butterflies and thanks for contributing on saving these species. Butterflies will return to your garden and repeat their life cycle as long as you implement these steps.

I really enjoyed the experience of growing and taking care of monarch butterflies and will be more prepared for next season to release in higher numbers.

What time of year is best to raise butterflies?

The best time of year to raise butterflies is generally in the spring or summer. This is when most species of butterflies are actively flying and laying eggs. In order to raise butterflies, you will need to provide them with a suitable environment and food.

To create a butterfly habitat, you will need to provide a sunny area with a variety of plants that offer nectar. You can also provide a shallow dish of water for the butterflies to drink from. It is important to keep the habitat clean and free of debris, as caterpillars and butterflies can be susceptible to disease.

To provide food for the butterflies, you can grow a variety of plants that offer nectar. Some good choices include borage, cosmos, lavender, and sunflowers. You can also purchase a commercially-available butterfly feeder.

It is important to keep in mind that raising butterflies can be a challenging hobby. Not all species of butterflies will thrive in a home environment. If you are new to butterfly raising, it is best to start with a common species, such as the monarch butterfly.

How long does it take to grow butterflies?

Butterflies are beautiful creatures that can be found in many gardens throughout the world. They add color and brightness to any space and are a joy to watch as they flutter around. If you’re interested in growing butterflies of your own, you may be wondering how long it takes to do so.

The answer to that question depends on a few different factors. One of the most important factors is the species of butterfly that you are trying to grow. Some species are easier to raise than others. Another factor is the time of year. Most butterfly species will not hatch until the weather is warm enough, so you will need to wait until spring or summer to start raising them.

Once you have selected a species of butterfly and the correct time of year has arrived, there are a few things you will need to do in order to get started. One of the most important things is to provide the butterflies with food. Adult butterflies will feed on nectar from flowers, so you will need to provide a variety of flowers in your garden or butterfly habitat. You can also purchase food specifically for butterflies at most pet stores.

Another important thing to provide for butterflies is a place to lay their eggs. Most butterfly species will lay their eggs on plants, so you will need to provide a variety of plants in your garden or butterfly habitat. Once the eggs have hatched, you will need to provide food for the caterpillars. Caterpillars will eat leaves from plants, so you will need to provide a variety of leafy plants in your garden or butterfly habitat.

It typically takes between 2 and 4 weeks for a butterfly to hatch from an egg. Once the caterpillar has hatched, it will take around 2 to 3 months for it to transform into a butterfly. So, in total, it typically takes around 4 to 5 months to grow a butterfly from egg to adult.